Quiet Hacker News

  1. WebP: The WebPage Compression Format (purplesyringa.moe)
  2. Cracking an old ZIP file to help open source the ANC's "Vula" secret crypto code (blog.jgc.org)
  3. Gnome Files: A detailed UI examination (datagubbe.se)
  4. A new rare high-rank elliptic curve, and an orchard of Diophantine equations (thehighergeometer.wordpress.com)
  5. GPT-fabricated scientific papers on Google Scholar (misinforeview.hks.harvard.edu)
  6. Tire-related chemical responsible for salmon deaths in urban streams (2020) (washington.edu)
  7. Pick Your Distributed Poison (hazelweakly.me)
  8. Appalachian Trail Hiker Photo Archive (athikerpictures.org)
  9. Dogs can remember names of toys years after not seeing them, study shows (theguardian.com)
  10. Things to know about the Great Wave (artic.edu)
  11. The "email is authentication" pattern (rubenerd.com)
  12. Hallelujah, Leonard Cohen, and a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer's suicide (subtledigressions.substack.com)
  13. Keyhole – Forge own Windows Store licenses (massgrave.dev)
  14. CitizenDJ – Make music using free audio and video from the Library of Congress (citizen-dj.labs.loc.gov)
  15. Groups underpin modern math (quantamagazine.org)
  16. Google says replacing C/C++ in firmware with Rust is easy (theregister.com)
  17. Against Rereading (theparisreview.org)
  18. SQLToy (github.com)
  19. The PERQ Computer (graydon2.dreamwidth.org)
  20. Beyond Ctrl-C: The dark corners of Unix signal handling (sunshowers.io)
  21. Substack (YC W18) Is Hiring Machine Learning Engineers (grnh.se)
  22. A Post-Google World? (thebignewsletter.com)
  23. How to wrap a C compiler and preprocessor, really (humprog.org)
  24. Adding algebraic data types to Nickel (tweag.io)
  25. Mushroom learns to crawl after being given robot body (independent.co.uk)
  26. Conservative GC can be faster than precise GC (wingolog.org)
  27. Four Thieves Vinegar Collective – Harm Reduction for the Living (fourthievesvinegar.org)
  28. The Beginnings of FM Radio Broadcasting (2018) (theradiohistorian.org)
  29. Memorizing the first 100 perfect squares (2022) (dzhu.page)
  30. Dance Choreography Notation (2017) (adafrobinson.wordpress.com)

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